

Reaching back through the sands of time…

I’ve always loved fantasy stories (if my bookshelf isn’t of some indication, I’m not sure what other proof you need). There hasn’t been a time I don’t remember loving fantasy. It’s been my bread, butter, and air since I was a child. When I was ten years old, I decided to try and write my own little tale (which shall never again see the light of day it was so terrible), and I found I enjoyed the process of going through it for grammar, punctuation, and plot more than I did writing it! But, as a kid, I didn’t realize that could actually be your job. It wasn’t until high school, when friends consistently approached me about editing their work that I finally got the message, “This could be your life.”

It’s been a long road since then. I’ve been doing unofficial editing for over five years, and official editing (with contracts and everything, wow!) for a year.

I’m an active and avid supporter of the LGBT+ community, and identify within it as well. My pronouns are they/them. I love talking about LGBT+ books and characters! Probably too much.

It is my promise to you, the author, to always work with you, not against you. Editing is a harrowing experience, I won’t deny it. You are asking someone to take the baby you have slaved over and rip it to shreds. As an author, I understand this. I will help you; I will give you clarification on things you don’t understand, provide reasons for drastic changes, and make sure you understand what a marvel your story is.

I will help you take yourself and your story to incredible new heights.


Lacy Sheridan, author of Arcatraissa and The Otherworld Trilogy, winner of the Meridian Writes Award 2019.

Fantastic Journeys Publishing, author Tonya Adolfson, The Souls of the Saintlands Series.


Associate of Arts, Idaho State University

Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing, College of Idaho

  • Caxton Book Award for Outstanding Senior

NaNoWriMo Winner 2015, 2017, 2019